
The Business World Has Gone Mobile: How Will You Keep Up?

Social media reigns supreme in today’s online-driven business world. Companies use Instagram and Snapchat to share stories with their audience more than they do traditional print mediums. Facebook “likes” allow your audience to see how well a product you introduced has fared, and Tweets promote local sales you plan on holding online and at your local storefront. As a business owner, you need to make use of social media campaigns and must have a robust online presence. Apart from a recognized logo and brand, what other online measures should your company take?

Interact with Employees Through Social Feeds

Communicating with your team is imperative to deliver a marketing campaign, hold a local event, or merely get projects done on time. But today, many companies are remote. Some employees work from home, others work in offices in different states, and a few are international. For co-workers to communicate, they need to go social. Some remote communication tools companies can choose from include:

In addition to allowing team members to share ideas and communicate effectively, your company will be on the same wavelength, regardless of where your team members commute from.

Adapt to Social Media

Companies have to keep up with the changes in today’s ever-changing, online-driven world. Some as simple as changing tone to reach to a particular demographic online will often allow companies to interact with a broader client base.
Rebranding your message through social media is a viable approach companies can take to keep up with the times. Give your audience a different way to look at the same message you’ve been conveying for years. Or, give them something entirely different to go along with your efforts to rebrand your business to appease to the audience you’re trying to reach.
Updating your logos for social media platforms may also be a way to recreate your brand and the right tools will help you develop the perfect logo for any social platform. Properly integrating logo designs into desktop and mobile apps is essential. To do so, use a tool such as FlashMarks. The DIY design company provides business owners with logo design guides to help them design logos and then customize them for different social channels.
Companies who integrate the right approach, rebrand themselves and reorganize their strategy for social avenues are likely to achieve the greatest successes.

Share, Like, Tweet & Snap Stories Your Audience Can’t Resist

Your audience has a short attention span. Adweek reports that instant gratification is what most consumers want. Sites like Snapchat have become extremely popular because of the brevity and instantaneous ability to see what’s going on. Instagram stories allow companies to share product development, create a timeline, and show their audience how they’re growing. Tweets let you promote, announce a sale, or give customers a short snippet of new developments.
Your customers want to know things now. If your company isn’t using social sites, you’re likely missing out on a vast demographic online. Not only are you losing an opportunity to promote and market (for free), your company is also limiting its reach, given the fact that so many consumers use social media platforms today.

Keep it Social

Social media grows brand awareness, allows you to tell your audience a story, and creates an integrative environment for your business. Customers want to know your company cares. They don’t want to feel like a number, but rather like a business truly values them. When your company is using social media — and sharing, liking, and otherwise communicating directly with your audience — it keeps customers engaged.
When companies dedicate to building social channels and communicating with their audience, it makes a big difference in how much a company can grow. When promoting your company online, your brand has to stand out. Making sure your company logo is impactful, visible, and shareable will help your business thrive online.

Keeping up with the Competition

Today, companies can’t get around the fact that they need to have a robust online presence. The company logo is a simple way to stand out and stand apart from competitors. When showcasing your business online, compelling messaging, promotion and an unforgettable design are all relevant to your company’s development. When developing business strategies, consider these simple steps to communicate effectively (internally and externally), while delivering a powerful message your audience won’t forget.

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